



Political Assignment


MIR 507 International Nuclear Politics Assignment Solution- Abu Dhabi University

MIR 507 International Nuclear Politics Assignment Sample UAE

MIR 507 International nuclear politics is the course offered by Abu Dhabi University that gain swift momentum in the stream of international politics.

As one of the major concerns while the study is to explore the international nuclear politics that is all about the politics concerning nuclear, atomic energy at the international level. For ages, the topics of international nuclear politics remain in concern and the superpowers take a lead in the same.

The course describes as to what is the position of nuclear energies in international politics and how far it is significant to study the history of the same.

Before the establishment of any peaceful organization like the United Nation, the topic of international nuclear politics was so controversial. After the constitution of certain legislation, treaties, covenants, and organization, the topic of international nuclear politics become a major stream of study.

The course offers a critical analysis of international politics in nuclear. To evaluate the magnitude of nuclear, atomic, and other harmful energy, the course is of vital importance. The course also explains the influential areas of international politics where powers play a key role it.


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Assignment Solution of MIR 507 International Nuclear Politics

International politics is wide enough that includes several phenomena and nuclear is one of them. In the end the students able to comprehend certain key points and earn the following outcomes:-

1.What happens when any country obtains nuclear weapons and what the significance to acquire them.

Every country wishes to acquire nuclear weapons and be recognized as a nuclear power but it is not that simple to do so. The course explains the issues and criteria for any country to become a nuclear power subject to certain limitations. As no country can work as per it wishes and need to follow international rules and regulation that includes international politics.

The experts of Abu Dhabi University designed the course intending to disseminate the knowledge of international politics concerning nuclear weapons and to prepare the students to work with international or domestic organizations where they can advise effectively.

2.What are the positions of the countries that acquire nuclear weapons and how international politics plays a chief role in it?

For ages, every developed country like the USA, Russia, France, Britain, etc eagerly wishes to hold the position of sole powers but due to international politics, no state could acquire the position of the, then sole superpower. The course explains the history and how countries like the USA, Russia, British, France, and the UK maintain their way to become nuclear power.

It is important to note the haul nature of such weapons and the terms and conditions laid down by the non-proliferation treaty. The course also explains a detailed version of the cause and effect of such a decision.

3.The national policies and international regimes that are devised to curb their unfold and use, where as granting the diffusion of energy technology.

The course objective is to attain the desired goal of educating students with the information of international politics that encompasses nuclear energies and weapons. The various association and organizations play a key role to recognize the nuclear powers and the course explains all such various associations.

As the international atomic energy agency is the organization that provides certain rules and regulations at the international level for the countries that wish to pursue nuclear weapons. The course explains the working mechanism of NPT, CTBT, and organizations that I’ve safeguards to frame policies and covenants.


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4.Critically analyze the program of nuclear proliferation and how it gives a dominant role at the international level.

The course explains what’s the role of treaties, covenants, and other agreements at the international level and further explains the treaties that relate to nuclear weapons.

As far as the course point of view, the professional explains the terms and condition, features, and countries involved in the Non-proliferation treaty and what the purpose of the introduction of such treaty in international politics.

The course also elucidates the circumstances where countries refuse to accept the treaty but later establish peace, countries who wish to obtain nuclear power give their asset to NPT. The programs thoroughly explain the in and outs of the treaty.

5. Does an alternative of nuclear powers exist and explain the association that is attached with it?

The course explains the type of energy and what type of energy is nuclear. The course provides the way to find alternatives to nuclear energy and it provides a connection with other streams that explains how significant other energies about nuclear energy.

As uranium Is one such energy that provides alternatives to nuclear energy. The experts of Abu Dhabi University deliver the information of alternatives and substituted that can work in the place of nuclear energy.

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