



Law Assignments


Occupational Health & Safety Regulations UAE

Occupational Health & Safety Regulations UAE

In this sample essay, we will discuss the Occupational Health & Safety Regulations in UAE.

The United Arab Emirates has signed a technical cooperation agreement with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) to provide decent working conditions in the region. The major components of the agreement include the protection of the workers’ rights are the development of national employment policies and monitoring systems, and the enhancement of the social dialogue. The Federal Labour Law (No 8 of 1980) is the central piece of labor legislation in place and the general duties of employers to ensure the health and safety of all persons in their employment.

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Regulations of health and safety in UAE

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999

Also known as the Management Regs, these came into effect in 1993. Employer duties under the Regulations include:

  • Appointing competent persons to oversee workplace health and safety;
  • Providing workers with information and training on occupational health and safety; and
  • Operating a written health and safety policy.

The Workplace (Health, Safety, and Welfare) Regulations 1992

The main provisions of these Regulations require employers to provide:

  • Adequate lighting, heating, ventilation, and workspace (and keep them in a clean condition);
  • Staff facilities, including toilets, washing facilities, and refreshment; and
  • Safe passageways to prevent slipping and tripping hazards.

The Health and Safety for Display Screen Equipment(DSE) Regulations 1992

 This rule covers you if you use DSE for an hour or more continuously or daily use of DSE. Employers require to:

  • Make a risk assessment of workstation use by DSE users, and reduce the risks identified;
  • Ensure DSE users take adequate breaks
  • Provide regular eyesight tests;
  • Provide health and safety information;
  • Provide adjustable furniture (desk, chair); and
  • Demonstrate that they have ample procedures designed to reduce risks associated with DSE work, such as repetitive strain injury (RSI).

The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992

The main provisions require employers to:

  • ensure that suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) provides free of charge wherever there are risks to health and safety that are not controllable in other ways. The PPE must be suitable for the risk associated with the task and include protective face masks and goggles, safety helmets, gloves, air filters, ear defenders, overalls, and protective footwear; and
  • Provide information, training, and instruction on the use of this equipment.

The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992

The main provisions of these Regulations require employers to:

  • Avoid the need for employees to undertake any manual handling activities involving risk of injury;
  • Make assessments of manual handling risks, and try to reduce the risk of injury. The evaluation should consider the task, the load, and the characteristics (physical strength); and
  • Provide workers with information on the weight.

The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998

The main provisions require employers to:

  • ensure the safety and suitability of work equipment for the purpose for which it provides;
  • properly maintain the equipment, irrespective of how old it is;
  • provide information, instruction, and training on the use of equipment; and
  • protect employees from dangerous parts of machinery.

The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995

Under these regulations, employers need to report a wide range of work-related incidents, injuries, and diseases to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) or the nearest local authority environmental health department. The Regulations require an employer to record in an accident book the date and time of the incident, details of the person(s) affected, the nature of their injury or condition, their occupation, the place where the event occurred, and a brief note on what happened.

The following injuries or ill health must report:

  • the death of any person;
  • specified injuries including fractures, amputations, eye injuries, injuries from electric shock, and acute illness requiring removal to a hospital or immediate medical attention;
  • Over seven-day injuries, which involve relieving someone of their work for more than seven days as a result of the damage caused at work;
  • reportable occupational diseases, including:
    • cramp of the hand or forearm due to repetitive movement;
    • carpal tunnel syndrome, involving hand-held vibrating tools;
    • occupational asthma;
    • tendonitis or tenosynovitis (types of tendon injury);
    • hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS), including where the work involves regular use of percussive or vibrating tools; and
    • occupational dermatitis;

The Working Time Regulations 1998 (as amended)

These Regulations implement two European Union directives on the organization of working time and the employment of young workers (under 18 years of age). The Regulations cover the right to annual leave and to have rest breaks, and they limit the length of the working week. Protections for UAE workers include:

  • A 48-hour maximum working week. Employers have a contractual obligation not to require a worker to work more than an average 48-hour week (unless the worker has opted out of this voluntarily and in writing);
  • Minimum daily rest periods of 11 hours, unless shift-working arrangements have been made that comply with the Regulations; and
  • An uninterrupted 20-minute daily rest break after six hours of work to be taken during working time.

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