



CIPD level 5


CIPD 5DER Assignment Example UAE

CIPD 5DER Assignment Sample UAE

The course includes development in employment relations and explains the impact of employment relations on organization and employment laws.

The course describes how the employee relation needs to be retained for the growth of the organization and to create a positive working environment. Because the growth and profit margin depends upon how the employee and employer work in any organization.

The issues that come across between employer and employees affect the working mechanism of the enterprise and this course discusses all such issues. The course talks about various methods with the help of which employment relations could be developed and boost the productivity of the business.

Any business not only requires effective strategies but also to implement it and that successful execution is it possible when healthy atmosphere exists among employees and employer.

The course explains the relation, its reasons, solution to strengthen such relations, etc.  Several factors influence the employment relation and how the labor and labor force work.

The course also explains the employment laws, service for contract and service of contract, unitary, and pluralism, etc. In this course CIPD 5DER assignment example, earners will get the opportunity to explore the area of employee relations in-depth.


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CIPD 5DER Course Learning Outcomes

In the end, the student will able to experience the following learning outcomes:-

1. Critically analyze the factors that persuade the employee relation in any organization

In any organization, the employees have been affected by external as well as internal factors. Such factors determine the working atmosphere of any organization and assess the employee’s performance.

The course discusses various ways to identify the gaps between employees and employer and CIPD 5DER, a standard professional degree helps in retaining stability in the organization.

Many times, the contract and its terms and conditions do not furnish the quantity and quality of work required by the employee and at such a place, employment relations come into a scenario.

2. Discuss the difference between labor and labor power. What is the impact of unitary and pluralism in employment relations?

Labor and employment are two distinct factors in any organization and different in its functioning. The labor workforce and its power often determined by the functioning of trade union in such organization and the course explain a brief overview as to how any trade union works and what are the legal impacts of such union in relations to any organization. The Unitarian model is the process or theory that identifies the conflict between employer and employees and assumes to exist at every level.

The course explains the model in-depth and provides the solution for such issues as to negotiate and keep healthy relations omg themselves. The theory runs on the principles of negotiation and bargains to resolve the conflicts and boosts the growth of the organization wholly.

On the other hand, the course incorporates the pluralism principle where it discusses the assumption that various distinct groups are attached with the group of employees and employer. The theory encompasses the solution despite conflicts exist between such distinct authors and group.

3. Briefly discuss the employment contract and its express or implied terms incorporated in such contract.

Every employee holds an employment contract in regards to the terms and conditions of their employment in any organization and such a contract often envisages expressing as well as implied terms.

The course describes the meaning of such express and implied terms and how the implied terms create a legal effect in the employment contract of any employee.

We will discuss the employment contract formulation and what are the essential conditions to note while framing any emplacement contract as every such pact depends upon the employment status.

The employment contract is governed by certain laws related to employment and the course elucidates the source of such law. Whether the employment is contractual or permanent, certain terms and conditions seem to be similar and such aspects find their existence in the employment laws.


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4. Discuss various examples that affect employment relations in any organization.

In this course, CIPD 5DER illustrates certain examples that dominate the employee relation in the organization and with the help of the unitarian and pluralism model, strives to resolve the conflict.

With the help of such models, theories, and instances, the relation between employees and an organization strives to be stable so that growth of the same can be secured.

Certain examples that create persuasion in employment relations are a total reward system, employment staffing, communication, performance management, and employment law. All such examples help in creating a strong connection between employees and employers.

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