





CIPS L6M1 Strategic Ethical Leadership Assignment UAE

CIPS L6M1 Strategic Ethical Leadership Assignment Sample UAE

Organizations around the world are operating in a constantly changing environment. In order to succeed, successful leaders need an edge that can only come from strategic thinking and acting- ability which is critical for procurement professionals who work within supply chains as well!

The course will help you develop your skills so you’re better prepared when it comes time to lead these departments or any other role where success depends on getting things done quickly with limited resources while staying true towards goals set out by upper management. Without further ado, let’s get right into it!

For the majority of us our careers started with a foot in the door just like everyone else. With promotions and pay rises came additional responsibilities and new challenges that we managed to tackle but the company still wasn’t faring all that well financially. It was clear something had to be done and for the sake of the business we needed to be more productive and proactive.


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We are an international company specializing in helping people succeed with their careers, whether it’s locally or abroad! At our company we know how important the CIPS L6M1 Strategic Ethics and Leadership UAE exam is for those looking to make a career change. That’s why if you need help passing this crucial test, then don’t hesitate; come see us today! We can write your assignment for you to pass the CIPS L6M1 Strategic Ethics and Leadership UAE exam.

Assignment Brief 1: Critically evaluate the differences between leadership and management

The main difference between leadership and management is that leadership is about inspiring people to achieve a goal, whereas management is about organizing and directing people to achieve a goal.

Leadership is about vision, setting an example, and motivating people. Management is about planning, organizing, and monitoring progress. Leaders need to be able to think on their feet and come up with creative solutions when problems arise. Managers need to be good at paperwork and follow processes.

Leaders are often charismatic individuals who can get people excited about a project. Managers are more likely to be introverted and analytical. Leaders make things happen; managers make sure things happen the way they’re supposed to happen. Leaders are more likely to be risk takers. Managers are more likely to play it safe.

A good leader is someone who knows how to motivate employees and can come up with creative solutions when problems arise. A good manager needs to know how to delegate tasks, follow standard procedures, and make sure that projects are completed on time.

To sum it up, leadership is about inspiration and motivation, whereas management is about organization and process.

Leadership and management are two essential aspects of an organization, but they are not the same thing. Management is focused on the efficient operation of an organization, while leadership is focused on setting a vision and guiding the organization towards it.

Good managers are essential for keeping things running smoothly, but they cannot inspire people to follow them unless they have strong leadership skills. On the other hand, good leaders may not be great managers, since management skills involve more details-oriented tasks. It’s important for organizations to have both leaders and managers, but it’s also important that they understand the distinctions between the two roles.

Assignment Brief 2: Critically analyse approaches to leadership for improving procurement and supply chain management

While there are many leadership approaches that could be effective in improving procurement and supply chain management, two stand out as especially promising.

The first approach is transformational leadership. Transformational leaders are able to inspire their followers to achieve great things by communicating a clear vision and shared values, and by providing the necessary support and resources. They also hold their followers accountable, challenging them to continuously improve their performance.

The second approach is servant leadership. Servant leaders put the needs of their followers first, always working for the good of the team as a whole. They strive to create an environment where people feel valued and appreciated, where they can do their best work. This type of leader builds trust and collaboration, which are essential for successful supply chains.

And importantly, these two approaches are complementary in that they each offer valuable perspectives on supply chain management. If you can learn to integrate both of these approaches into your leadership style, you’ll be well-equipped to improve the performance of your supply chain organization.

There are many different models of transformational leadership, but they all share some common elements. According to this approach, the most effective leaders are those that inspire their followers through persuasion rather than coercion. These leaders provide vision and direction, recognize individual strengths and values, encourage collaboration among team members, tap into others’ emotions in order to flourish, and support their followers with positive feedback.

Assignment Brief 3: Evaluate influencing styles that can be used in the effective leadership of a supply chain

There are a variety of styles that can be used in the effective leadership of a supply chain. The most common and well-known is the “visionary” style, which involves setting long-term goals and objectives for the company as a whole. However, there are other styles that may be more suited to certain situations or companies.

For example, the “managing partner” style focuses on building relationships between suppliers and buyers to achieve mutual benefit from cooperation instead of competition. And finally, the “micromanage mode” relies on detailed planning and control from top management to ensure that all aspects of the business are running smoothly and efficiently.

The five styles are as follows:

  •  Authoritative- this style of leadership is characterized by a demanding, demanding leader who expects others to follow their directions without question. The authoritative leader makes decisions quickly and gets people working together on them right away. This type of boss does not like to hear “no” for an answer and will often get frustrated when they do encounter resistance from those under their employment or command
  • Permissive – the permissive manager allows workers a great deal of autonomy in making decisions about their jobs while also expecting high levels of performance out of them
  • Consensual – this style relies upon input from employees combined with intuition on behalf.
  • Command & Control – this form of leadership relies upon a top-down structure and the ability to maintain control over all aspects of your company.
  • Managing Partner – this style emphasizes relationships between buyers and suppliers in order to achieve mutual benefit through cooperation. Suppliers are chosen based on their willingness to cooperate over price, meaning that buyers play an increasingly important role in determining what the optimal quality and price point is for their products.

This style is different from the remaining four in that it relies upon cooperation between buyers and suppliers, rather than competition. This form of leadership also places a great deal of emphasis on relationship building and trust between all parties.


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Assignment Brief 4: Compare leadership techniques that can be used to influence personnel involved in a supply chain

A supply chain can be thought of as a network of organizations and individuals that cooperate to produce, deliver, and/or distribute products or services to consumers. The most successful leaders use a variety of techniques to influence their personnel involved in the supply chain.

There are a few different techniques you can use to influence personnel involved in a supply chain. You can use positive reinforcement, punishment, or incentives.

Positive reinforcement involves rewarding employees for good behavior. This can help encourage them to continue behaving in the way you want them to. Punishment involves punishing employees for bad behavior. This can help discourage them from behaving in ways that are not desirable. Incentives involve giving employees an incentive to behave in the way you want them to. This can help motivate them to behave in the desired way.

Which technique you choose will depend on the situation and the personnel involved. It is important to tailor your approach to fit the individual or group you are trying to influence.

Positive reinforcement is used to strengthen and increase the occurrence of a behavior by rewarding the subject when they perform it. This technique will be effective if employees enjoy being rewarded, or if they do not receive much positive feedback in their day-to-day work life. If employees don’t like receiving rewards for good behaviors, this approach will only

Punishment is a technique used to influence personnel involved in the supply chain who have done something wrong. This involves imposing a negative stimulus as punishment for an undesired behavior. In businesses, punishments can include reduced pay or termination from employment. When deciding on a type of punishment it is important to consider whether the employee’s actions were intentional or accidental. Intentional actions should be dealt with harsher punishments than accidental ones. Punishment is effective when employees fear the consequences of negative behavior.

Incentives are used to influence personnel involved in the supply chain by rewarding good behavior with some kind of prize or award. This can include extra vacation time, prizes, or promotions. Some businesses require their employees to work in teams, so having an incentive that can only be attained through teamwork will motivate them to cooperate with their co-workers. Incentives are effective when the reward given is desirable to the employee.

Deciding which technique you want to use will depend on your business culture and what you value as a leader.

Assignment Brief 5: Evaluate how to create a communication plan to influence personnel in the supply chain

In order to create a communication plan that will influence personnel in the supply chain, it is important to identify who your target audience is and what you want them to know. You should also design your message in a way that it can be understood by everyone involved. 

You should consider how people will receive the information you send them and what kind of reaction they might have after hearing it. For example, if you tell an employee they are being fired because their performance has been subpar, there’s no need for an explanation or apology; however if they’re notified due to budget cuts then maybe offer some advice on how they can improve their performance and potentially retain their job.

The information you provide should be relevant, accurate and understandable. Make sure to give only necessary and important data that will actually benefit them in some way or motivate them to do their best work.

Be clear and concise with your message and don’t try to hide behind “flowery words”, as the person you are trying to influence might become defensive.

Before deciding which communication methods to use, make sure they are appropriate for your audience. For example, most people may find text messages and emails fast and easy but if one of your colleagues is hearing impaired then these forms of communication probably won’t work for them.

You may also want to consider delivery methods that can positively influence your audience. Everyone wants to feel appreciated for their work and exemplary employees might be motivated by public recognition, while others may prefer to keep a low profile.

Knowing who you’re communicating with is just as important as knowing what you want to say and how you plan on saying it. Now that we’ve discussed the key aspects to consider when communicating with your supply chain members, you can begin working on your plan.


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Assignment Brief 6: Contrast the sources of power and how they can be used to overcome common challenges faced by procurement and supply chain leaders

There are a variety of sources of power that can be used by procurement and supply chain leaders to overcome common challenges. Some of the most common sources of power are:

  • Economic Power: This can be used to negotiate lower prices from suppliers, or to incentivize suppliers to meet performance goals.
  • Political Power: This can be used to lobby for favorable legislation or regulation, or to influence government purchasing decisions.
  • Social Power: This can be used to build relationships with key stakeholders, or to bring pressure on suppliers through social media channels.
  • Intellectual Power: This can be used to develop innovative solutions to problems, or to analyze data in order to make better decisions.
  • Military Power: This can be used to attain coercive power through the threat of force, such as declaring a supplier off-limits.
  • Charismatic Power: This can be used to motivate others through persuasion and example, or to create excitement around new ideas.
  • Informational Power: This can be used to acquire knowledge or data that others do not have, or to share data in order to bring others into a decision-making process.
  • Reward Power: This can be used to provide positive reinforcement for desired behaviors, or to punish suppliers that perform poorly.
  • Coercive Power: This can be used to punish those that fail to act as directed, or to withhold resources as punishment for poor performance.
  • Referent Power: This can be used to gain influence by associating with others that are well-respected or admired, or by demonstrating expertise in order to garner respect from others.

Assignment Brief 7: Analyse how equality and diversity issues relating to the supply chain can be used to improve strategic effectiveness

There are a number of ways that equality and diversity issues relating to the supply chain can be used to improve strategic effectiveness. For example, by understanding the needs and preferences of different groups of suppliers, companies can develop more effective sourcing strategies. Additionally, a diverse supplier base can help companies better understand their customers and target new markets.

Equality and diversity issues can also be used to improve communication and collaboration within the supply chain. By creating an environment in which all team members feel comfortable sharing information and ideas, companies can make better use of everyone’s talents and expertise. This improved communication can help reduce waste, delay, and other inefficiencies in the supply chain.

Equality issues can also be used to help companies achieve their environmental goals. By diversifying its supply chain, a company may be able to reduce its overall use of resources, save money on transportation costs, and better manage carbon emissions.

Supply chain diversity and equality issues can be used to improve strategic effectiveness by helping companies to identify new sources of supply, understand customer needs and preferences better, and develop a more accurate picture of the competitive landscape.

Diversity can also help companies to identify new sources of supply by giving them access to a wider range of talent, ideas, and resources. And while it’s important to have a diverse workforce for ethical reasons, there are also clear business advantages to be had from incorporating diversity into the supply chain.

Equality issues can help companies to understand customer needs and preferences better by giving them a better understanding of what different groups of customers want and need. This can then help companies to develop products and services that meet the needs of different customer segments.


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Assignment Brief 8: Evaluate methods of change management that can be used to develop the supply chain

Change management is the process of planning, implementing, and monitoring changes to a business or organization. There are many different methods of change management that can be used, but the most important part is ensuring that all stakeholders are on board with the changes and that they understand the goals of the changes.

One method of change management is called the “Kübler-Ross Change Model”. This model has five steps: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. The goal of this model is to help people cope with change. The key is to ensure that everyone understands why the changes are being made and what the goals of the changes are. Communication is essential during times of change!

When a change is presented, it can cause the people involved to deny the inevitable changes. In this phase, they feel that nothing needs to change and that everything will continue as it has been. People in this stage resist any suggestions for changing their current methodologies or processes. They don’t want to hear about other ways of doing things because they are comfortable with the way that they do things.

People in this stage have a tendency to blame others for problems or shortcomings, rather than themselves. However, when people are being productive and making progress is when they feel most comfortable. When asked to do something different or new it is met with resistance because change takes away their comfort zone. It takes a strong manager to move people from the anger stage to the bargaining stage.

People in this phase understand that change is happening and begin to look for ways that they can have some control over it. They feel better because now they have found a way of fitting within the overall structure of how things are going to be. People in this phase often volunteer to take on additional responsibilities or tasks in order to feel like they are playing a part in the big picture.

Assignment Brief 9: Assess methods for resolving conflict with internal and external stakeholders to support change in the supply chain

Resolving conflict with internal and external stakeholders is a complex process that often requires several different methods to be successful. There are many approaches, but here are three of the most common: 

1) Problem-solving approach – This approach focuses on finding solutions by identifying problems and looking for potential solutions within each stakeholder group. It involves listening to understand what is driving each stakeholder’s needs before developing an action plan or making any recommendations. The problem solving steps include: Define the problem, Evaluate possible causes/solutions, Assign responsibility & develop timelines

2) Stakeholder collaboration – In this method, all stakeholders work together in order to find a resolution that satisfies everyone’s needs without compromising quality standards. This collaborative approach includes: Identifying information needs, Using outside experts when necessary, Gathering data to determine the extent of the conflict, Involving stakeholders in the decision making process.

3) Consensus-building – In this approach, stakeholders are encouraged to participate in creating a solution that they can support. Steps include: Clarify problem/issue(s), Identify interests of various stakeholders, Develop commitment to the process, Involve all people in developing choices, Generate ideas & alternatives and finally Select and implement a decision.

Consensus-building requires participation from all stakeholders and an open exchange of information involving each party’s needs. Often this is also combined with collaborative problem solving because you want to try and address the matter collaboratively while allowing for stakeholders to become more involved in the creative process. This way each party can feel ownership over the creative solution that they are presented with, resulting in better communication about the project down the road.

Although different approaches are outlined here, it’s important to note that oftentimes you will be required to use one approach more than the others, depending on the situation.


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Assignment Brief 10: Examine ethical practices and standards that apply to global supply chains

The ethical practices and standards that apply to global supply chains can vary depending on the specific company, but in general there are a few key principles that should be followed. First, companies should have a clear policy for how they will handle any complaints from customers about products sourced from overseas. They should also make sure they are aware of any laws or regulations governing their suppliers’ labor practices, environmental policies, human rights violations, and so on. Finally, companies should regularly audit their supply chain to ensure everything is being done in an ethically sound manner.

Companies sourcing from overseas factories should make sure they have a clear policy for handling complaints from consumers about their products. Complaints can be made via email or phone, and those who receive the complaint should make sure it is logged as per company policy.

In addition to customers, companies can also benefit from having a direct line of communication with individuals within their supply chain. For example, one question that some companies have is whether they should allow factory managers to move certain workers around in order to meet production demands.

The ethical practices and standards that apply to global supply chains can vary depending on the company, but in general they should consider four main areas of concern:

  1.  Respect for employees
  2.  Protection of environment
  3.  Anti-bribery/anti-corruption measures
  4.  Consumer protection. 

Respect for employees is a top priority because they’re ultimately affected by any unethical behavior or decision made within a company’s supply chain. Employees should be treated fairly and with respect throughout their employment period regardless of their nationality or religion.

The protection of the environment is also important since many products contain chemicals that may end up harming workers’ health over time if not handled properly during production or disposal processes.

Assignment Brief 11: Assess regulations that impact on the ethical employment of people

The ethical employment of people is a complex and challenging issue. There are a number of regulations that impact on the ethical employment of people, both at national and international level.

At a national level, the Employment Act 1996 sets out the general principles governing employers’ conduct in relation to their employees, including with respect to discrimination. The Human Rights Act 1998 provides protections against discrimination on grounds such as race, gender, disability or religion / belief.

The ethical employment of people is an important aspect of any business or organization. However, it can be difficult to balance the needs of one’s organization with individual employees’ rights and needs. There are several regulations that impact on the ethical employment of people, including laws regarding fair labor practices, human resources management policies and procedures, and codes of conduct for employers.

It is important to consult with legal counsel when developing an ethical employment policy in order to ensure that your policies comply with all relevant laws and regulations. At a minimum, the ethical employment policy must be in line with the following regulations: Overall, it is important that employers remain mindful of their responsibilities when dealing with employees. This includes ensuring that they are not involved in practices that could be considered unethical or degrading to any person under their care.


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