





CIPS L6M3 Global Strategic Supply Chain Management Assignment UAE

CIPS L6M3 Global Strategic Supply Chain Management Assignment Sample UAE

The global economy has changed drastically over the past few decades. One of its most significant impacts on businesses is an increase in complexity within their supply chains, which can be challenging for procurement professionals and leaders to keep up with as they develop new strategies themselves while also understanding how important it actually might seem at first glance given all that’s going around them!

This module was designed specifically if you’re looking into these topics because unlike many other courses out there this one focuses heavily not only on what needs doing but why – giving insight into both strategic importance AND success rates when implementing your company’s policies effectively so expect some real world, in the trenches examples here.

The modern day supply chain is more complex than ever before. As procurement and distribution leaders, you must have an understanding on how these networks help or hinder corporate success by developing strategic plans that will keep your business competitive with others in their industry 

The module teaches students about globalization- which means they’ll be able to take advantage when working within a larger international market context (or even just one country).


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Download Best Assignment Sample FOR CIPS L6M3 Global Strategic Supply Chain Management UAE

The following is a sample of the best assignments you can find on Best Assignments FOR L6M3 Global Strategic Supply Chain Management UAE.

The goal behind this program was to provide students with real-world challenges that they would face as professionals in today’s competitive economy so their skills would be more than just theoretical knowledge but rather based upon personal experience and expertise gained through hands-on work ethics and approaches.

Assignment Brief 1: Assess the relationship between functional, business and corporate levels of strategy

There is a relationship between functional, business and corporate levels of strategy, but it’s not as clear-cut as some people make it out to be.

At the functional level, strategies are designed to meet specific goals within the organization. Business strategies are developed to achieve broader objectives such as increased revenue or market share. And at the corporate level, strategic planning is aimed at creating value for shareholders by maximizing overall performance and long-term profitability.

But while there is some overlap, each level of strategy should be treated separately because they serve different purposes and require different decision-making processes. So it’s important not to get too caught up in semantics, and instead focus on understanding the unique challenges and opportunities at each level.

One of the most common areas where these different levels converge is in a company’s compensation strategy. In this article, we’ll explore how a pay-for-performance philosophy is used to drive behavioral changes at all three strategic levels. We’ll also discuss what you can do if your current compensation plan isn’t working as well as it should.

The supply chain is the process by which materials and information are gathered, processed, stored and distributed to meet customer demand. The three major components of a company’s supply chain are sourcing (gathering resources), production (making products) and distribution (distributing finished goods).

The impact on profitability can be positive or negative depending on how well-managed each component is. For example, if too much time is spent in procuring raw materials for use in production than there will not be enough time left over to turn a profit from manufacturing these items due to high overhead costs associated with maintaining stockpiles of materials. However, when companies take advantage of third party providers who have already secured reliable sources at competitive prices then they eliminate the need for themselves to manage this process.


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Assignment Brief 2: Evaluate the contribution of strategic supply chain management

There are many different ways to approach supply chain management. It can be approached from a strategic, operational or tactical perspective.

One of the most common approaches is creating sources of competitive advantage such as cost, improved quality, time-to-market and innovation through an integrated network that optimizes all aspects for customer value creation. This creates sustainable growth by aligning organizational goals with customer needs while reducing costs through collaborative planning and execution across functions such as product development & procurement; production; distribution; material management; information technology (IT) services etc.

A well managed strategic supply chain provides visibility into key metrics like lead times which indicate how long it takes to get goods from supplier inventory point A to consumer inventory point B so that customers can have visibility into when their products can be expected to arrive at their stores. This approach is very beneficial in highly competitive markets, such as for technology & electronic goods where there are typically low barriers to entry and the product life cycle is short.

The contribution of strategic supply chain management to enterprise profit optimization is the ability to plan for and react quickly to changes in demand, which will have a positive impact on company profits. Supply-chain disruptions can lead to revenue loss and cost overruns, so it’s important for companies of all sizes to manage their supply chains strategically in order to stay competitive.

Assignment Brief 3: Evaluate the impact of market change on strategic supply chain management

The change in the market can have a significant impact on strategic supply chain management. For example, when there is a shift from a buyers’ to a sellers’ market, companies may need to change their sourcing strategies in order to take advantage of the situation. In addition, changes in demand can also lead to shifts in supply – for example, if consumers become more concerned about environmental quality or animal welfare then manufacturers may respond by increasing production capacity.

STEEPLED (social, technical, economic, environmental, legislative, ethical and demographic) factors can all impact strategic supply chain management.

Social factors might include fashion trends that drive demand for certain products or changes in societal norms that lead to increased demand for sustainable or ethical products. Technical advances might enable a company to improve its production processes or create new product lines that better meet consumer needs. Economic conditions might impact supplier costs or the availability of raw materials.

Environmental factors could include changes in weather patterns that disrupt supply chains or regulations aimed at reducing environmental impact. Legislative changes – such as new tariffs or trade restrictions – can have a major impact on how companies do business internationally.

Ethical considerations might lead companies to re-evaluate their supply chains to ensure that they are not supporting child or slave labour, for example. Demographic factors might lead a firm to develop new products aimed at an aging population or include a greater emphasis on selling environmentally friendly products to young people.

Strategic supply chain management is the process of managing a company’s inventory, production capacity and materials flow in order to meet customer demand while maintaining profitability. In disruptive change, there are significant changes in how customers want to buy which require new strategies for procurement or manufacturing; in incremental changes, the degree of change is less extreme.


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Assignment Brief 4: Contrast approaches to develop and implement strategic relationship management

There are two models of strategic alignment, which differ in how they handle the need for flexibility. One is an integrated model that seeks to create a single, coherent vision and set of values across all aspects of the organization. The other is a decentralized model with separate teams working autonomously but still collaborating when necessary to support each other’s goals. 

The integrated approach integrates values into strategy while also ensuring there is no conflict between business objectives and individual goals within an organization; this results in greater clarity about priorities, better decision making processes (by focusing on what needs doing instead of why), increased motivation (because people know where they stand) , improved problem solving skills (through shared understanding) and enhanced creativity (by creating more opportunities for people to think outside the box).

The decentralized approach is largely based on the idea of removing organizational barriers by encouraging shared goals, communication and trust.

There are two main approaches to developing and implementing strategic relationship management: the customer-centric approach and the supplier-centric approach.

The customer-centric approach focuses on creating and maintaining strong relationships with customers in order to build loyalty and increase sales. The key elements of this approach include understanding customer needs, developing customized solutions, and providing excellent customer service.

The supplier-centric approach focuses on developing strong relationships with suppliers in order to get the best prices and terms, while also ensuring a reliable supply of goods and services. The key elements of this approach include understanding supplier needs, negotiating favorable terms, and establishing long-term partnerships.

Assignment Brief 5: Compare approaches to segmentation 

There are a few different approaches to segmenting customers and suppliers. The first approach is to segment customers based on their needs. This approach assumes that each customer has different needs, and therefore, each customer should be treated as a unique market segment.

The second approach is to segment customers based on their buying power. This approach assumes that customers with greater buying power should be offered different products or services than those with lesser buying power.

The third approach is to segment customers based on their willingness to pay more for a product or service. This approach assumes that some customers are willing to pay more for a product or service than others, and that these higher-paying customers should be offered different products or services than those who are either unwilling to pay more, or cannot afford to pay more.

The fourth approach is to segment customers based on the customer’s geographic location. This approach assumes that customers in different geographies have different needs or buying power, and should be offered different products or services accordingly.

The two most common approaches to product and service mix are market-based and need-based.

Market-based segmentation is when a company divides its customers into groups based on what they want or what they are prepared to pay for a product or service. This approach is also known as customer-driven segmentation. 

Need-based segmentation is when a company divides its customers into groups based on their needs, regardless of what they want or are prepared to pay. This approach is also known as need-driven segmentation.

The main advantage of the market-based approach is that it results in clear and concise segments that are easy to target. However, this approach can be misleading if wants and needs change over time as the market changes, or if a product or service has longer-term implications that are not immediately obvious.

Assignment Brief 6: Assess approaches to developing networked supply chains

There are two general approaches to developing a networked supply chain. One is the use of flow networks, which can be seen in industries such as oil and gas extraction or telecommunications where the product flows through many different stages before it reaches its final destination. The other approach involves using value streams – also known as process networks – that show how raw materials become finished products along a particular production line or assembly line within an organization’s facilities.

Both types of supply chains offer significant benefits for organizations looking to improve their ability to meet customer demand while also reducing costs and increasing quality by eliminating points of potential failure across the entire system.

By making sure all operations are integrated into one another seamlessly, these networks allow businesses access to new sources of revenue while also taking better care of their customers.

There are a few different approaches that can be used to develop networked supply chains. One approach is tiering, which involves using multiple suppliers to meet the needs of a product or service. Network sourcing involves using a single supplier to connect with multiple customers.

Tiering can help reduce costs and improve reliability, while network sourcing can help optimize logistics costs and ensure consistent quality. However, it’s important to consider factors such as communication and collaboration between tiers when choosing an approach for your supply chain.

There are four key steps to developing a networked supply chain. First, identify the value added activities and the value chain in your supply chains so you can optimize them for success. Second, design an information system that will enable real time visibility across all nodes of the network with no single point of failure or latency issues. Third, train employees on how to use this new software so they have instant access to critical data when needed most without having to wait on slow networks or be tethered by cables when moving between locations which is often an issue with traditional computer systems today. Finally, develop policies and procedures for responding effectively if any part of your infrastructure fails so business doesn’t come grinding to a halt while IT figures out what’s wrong and how to fix it.


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Assignment Brief 7: Assess the role of distribution systems

Channel design is one of the most important decisions made by a company. It affects not only how a company’s products and services reach consumers but also how efficiently the company can serve those consumers.

A well-designed distribution system will help ensure that products and services reach consumers in an efficient and timely manner, while also meeting their needs for convenience, selection, and price. A poorly designed system, on the other hand, can lead to lost sales, increased costs, and frustrated customers.

When designing a distribution system, companies need to consider several factors including: the nature of the product or service being distributed; the size and geographic scope of the market; the available transportation infrastructure; and the preferences of consumers. They must also decide who the consumer is, what type of distribution channels should be used, and how to manage distributors.

Companies use a variety of distribution channels — from direct-to-consumer approach using only company employees to highly decentralized approach using a large number of independent distributors. Each offers different benefits and poses unique challenges for managers.

The impact of e-commerce on distribution networks is twofold. First, it has led to the development of new and more efficient distribution systems, which have helped to make e-commerce more viable. Second, it has created new opportunities for companies that are able to take advantage of them, which has put pressure on traditional distributors.

E-commerce has led to the development of new and more efficient distribution systems because it requires a higher degree of speed and agility than traditional commerce. This is because customers are not willing to wait long periods of time for their orders to be delivered, and they are also less likely to accept delivery delays or errors.

Assignment Brief 8: Evaluate ways to achieve lean and agile supply chains 

There are many ways to achieve lean and agile supply chains, but it can be difficult to compare the different approaches by their variety or volume. For example, some companies may use a single supplier for 100% of their needs while others may spread out their orders among several suppliers in order to reduce waste. However, there are some more quantitative measures that can be used when comparing these two types of supply chains: 

  • Total inventory carrying cost (the sum of purchase costs plus holding costs) 
  • Inventory turns (the ratio between inventory changes and sales)
  •  Average lead time (average time between when an order is placed and when it arrives at its destination)

These metrics help evaluate how efficiently a company is managing its supply chains and how much it can improve its operations by using a lean supply chain strategy.

Comparing lean and agile supply chains by variety and volume, it is clear that the benefits of an agile supply chain are more prevalent in small-to-mid sized businesses. This might be because these types of organizations have a greater need for responsiveness or flexibility to meet changing market conditions compared to larger companies.

Implementing lean supply and lean thinking can help organisations achieve a lean and agile supply chain. Lean supply is a system that focuses on the elimination of waste throughout the entire supply chain. Lean thinking is a problem-solving approach that helps organisations identify and eliminate waste in their business processes.

By implementing these concepts, organisations can streamline their supply chains, improve communication and collaboration among suppliers and customers, and reduce inventory costs. Additionally, lean thinking can help organisations respond more quickly to changes in customer demand, which can help them better compete in today’s global economy.


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Assignment Brief 9: Evaluate approaches to developing and implementing supply chain collaboration

Supply chain collaboration is the idea of integrating all aspects of the supply chain to provide better service for customers. There are many different approaches to developing and implementing supply chain collaboration, but it can be broken down into two general categories: transactional information sharing and collaborative technologies.

Transactional Information Sharing Transactional information sharing refers to a company’s efforts to share specific pieces of data about their manufacturing process with another company in order to help them meet certain standards or quotas.

The best approach to developing and implementing a supply chain collaboration is by applying PADI. This stands for Pragmatic/Performance, Administrative, Divergent/ Development and Integrative. The goal of this strategy is to create an environment of continuous improvement where all aspects are considered equally important and where quality management principles are followed closely. 

PADI can be applied by first identifying the needs within your own organization or with partner organizations that you want to collaborate with on projects such as new product development or process improvements. Then one must assess whether these needs align with those of other collaborating entities based on their strengths in terms of people, resources and opportunities.

Assignment Brief 10: Evaluate approaches to change management when working with stakeholders

The best way to change management when working with stakeholders is to communicate the plan with all key customers, suppliers, senior management and other organizational units. This allows everyone to have a clear understanding of what is happening and why. It also helps to get everyone on board and committed to the changes that are taking place.

Additionally, it’s important to clearly define roles and responsibilities for those involved in the change process. This will help ensure that everyone is aware of their specific tasks and knows who they should go to for support. Lastly, it’s essential to track progress and communicate updates regularly so that everyone remains informed of how things are going.

When working with stakeholders, it is important to gauge their resources and how they can be put towards strategic supply chain management.

The first step in change management is to assess the resources that are available and then match them up with the desired outcomes. For example, if a company wishes to reduce its environmental impact, it might need more financial resources to invest in research and development for new products or processes. On the other hand, a company might be able to save money by streamlining its operations and reducing waste.

The change agent is typically the one who has been tasked with coming up with an approach to implementing change. The approaches may vary, but there are some common steps that can be taken in order to make sure stakeholders are on board with the changes.

One of these steps is understanding what drives stakeholder’s motivation and interests so as not to lose them during negotiations or discussions about potential outcomes. Another step would involve identifying any underlying assumptions behind their resistance, which will need further exploration if a new approach needs to be developed.

Assignment Brief 11: Analyse approaches to measuring supply chain performance

There are a variety of ways to measure the performance of a supply chain. One common approach is to measure the processes that make up the supply chain and use Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to track progress.

Some common KPIs for supply chains include: on-time delivery, inventory levels, late deliveries, stockouts, supplier quality, production lead time and delivery time. Depending on the industry and business context, different KPIs may be more relevant. It’s important to track these KPIs regularly and analyse trends over time to identify areas of improvement.

Organisational performance is typically measured by metrics such as inventory turns, customer satisfaction scores and supplier performance ratings. Functional performance may be assessed by metrics such as lead time or order fulfilment rate. Team performance can be assessed by measures such as delivery accuracy or percentage of on-time deliveries. Individual performance can be evaluated using metrics such as number of late deliveries or cycle time.

Supply chains are frequently focused on lowering total inventory within the system. Inventory is frequently viewed as wasted money. Reducing inventories can improve cash flow, customer service, etc. However, reducing inventory too much can result in stockouts (when customers cannot purchase products because they are out-of-stock), which may affect sales and customer satisfaction.

One commonly used approach to measuring supply chain performance is through Surveys. This involves obtaining feedback from key stakeholders in the supply chain, such as suppliers, customers and logistics partners. This can provide insights into areas such as quality of service, delivery performance and cost efficiency.

This approach has a number of benefits. It is relatively low cost and quick to implement, and can provide a broad overview of supply chain performance. However, it does have some limitations. It can be subjective, and may not capture all aspects of performance. Furthermore, it may be difficult to obtain feedback from all stakeholders in the supply chain.


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Assignment Brief 12: Analyse how the development of knowledge and skills can help achieve effective strategic supply chain management

Knowledge and skills are essential for strategic supply chain management. They provide the ability to identify and assess opportunities and threats, develop a sound plan, make decisions that support the plan, and execute the plan effectively.

The acquisition of knowledge and skills enables an organisation to build a sustainable competitive advantage through its supply chain. It allows the organisation to better understand how its supply chain works, how it can be improved, and how it can be used to create value for the business. Knowledge and skills also provide the ability to adapt quickly to changes in the business environment, ensuring that the supply chain remains responsive to ever-evolving customer needs.

The need for knowledge and skills is particularly important in the following areas:

  • Sourcing/procurement – this area seeks to understand where best to source products and services, how best to engage with suppliers and what is required of them.
  • Logistics – responsible for understanding transportation modes and networks, warehousing and packaging requirements as well as handling and storage best practices.
  • Operations – focuses on harnessing key business processes such as demand planning and forecasting, inventory management, order fulfillment and returns and warranty management.
  • Sales & marketing – this area of the supply chain seeks to understand customer demand for products and services, where new opportunities can be gained and how best to engage with customers.
  • Finance – seeks to understand partner financial viability, credit terms required for each partner and the impacts of all aspects of the supply chain on cash flow.
  • People management – seeks to understand how best to engage with employees at all levels in the organisation as well as what is required of them within their role.

Assignment Brief 13: Evaluate the impact of the supply chain on corporate performance

A well-functioning and properly managed supply chain is essential to creating value for a company and its shareholders. The goal of any supply chain should be to ensure that the right goods and services are delivered to the right locations at the right time in the most cost-effective manner possible.

There are a number of factors that can impact corporate performance, and the effectiveness of a company’s supply chain is one of them. Poorly managed inventory, for example, can lead to increased costs and decreased profits. Inefficient transportation systems can also lead to added costs and delays in getting products to market. By ensuring that all aspects of the supply chain are working together towards common goals, companies can create added value outcomes for their shareholders.

A properly managed supply chain will also help companies to create stakeholder value; stakeholder value is the added benefit that accrues to stakeholders when a firm performs well. Shareholders, customers, employees and suppliers are all stakeholders of a corporation that depend on its success for their own. The better the company performs in terms of corporate performance, the more positive value will be created for stakeholders.

Timely reporting of data to senior management and stakeholders is essential for making sound business decisions. The supply chain is a key part of the organization and must be functioning effectively in order to ensure that goods and materials are delivered on time and meet the company’s standards. Any disruptions or delays can have a negative impact on corporate performance.


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Assignment Brief 14: Assess methods to measure supply chain performance

There are various key performance indicators (KPIs) that can be used to measure supply chain performance, including:

  • On-time delivery
  • Inventory levels
  • Damage or spoilage rates
  • Product recalls

Each organization will have different priorities and so the KPIs that are most important to them will vary. However, on-time delivery, inventory levels, and damage/spoilage rates are generally considered to be some of the most important measures of supply chain performance.

On-time delivery can be measured by considering the percentage of orders that were delivered to customers on time. If we assume that an order is late if it arrived after the agreed upon date, this would be easy to measure. However, some organizations may define “on time” differently and so additional information may be required.

Inventory levels is another key supply chain performance indicator. Having too much inventory can be a sign that the supply chain is inefficient and costing organizations money, while having too little inventory may mean that customers are not receiving their orders in a timely manner. In addition to considering aggregate numbers, it is also useful to look at inventory levels by product category, customer, geography, or time.

Damage/spoilage rates measure any physical damage (such as dents) or quality issues (such as needing to rework items). This information is often gathered through the analysis of warranty claims, field returns, and customer complaints.

Due to the potentially high costs of product recalls, this is another important KPI in the supply chain performance measurement process. Manufacturers have to determine how quickly they can recall products when problems are identified.

The use of technology to communicate supply chain data is one way to measure supply chain performance. This can be done through the use of a software system that allows for the tracking of inventory in real time, as well as the monitoring of orders and shipments.

Another method is to use key performance indicators (KPIs). KPIs are performance metrics that can be used to gauge how well a company is performing with respect to specific goals or objectives. There are a variety of KPIs that can be used to measure supply chain performance, such as fill rate, on-time delivery, and inventory turnover.

Ultimately, the most effective way to measure supply chain performance depends on the specific needs of the organization. However, using technology to communicate supply chain data and using KPIs to track performance against specific goals can both be useful in monitoring and improving the performance of a company’s supply chain.

Assignment Brief 15: Assess methods to improve and optimise supply chain performance

There are many factors that can impact supply chain performance, but one of the most important is the number and location of operating facilities. Too few facilities can lead to reduced production capacity and longer lead times, while too many facilities can lead to higher costs and a more complex distribution network.

A good way to improve supply chain performance is to analyze where your operating facilities are located and whether there are opportunities to optimize the network by closing or relocating some facilities. You can also use this analysis to identify areas where you may need to expand production capacity in order to meet growing demand.

There are many factors to consider when looking at a company’s facilities, including the number of locations and their locations. However, there is one factor that can influence a facility’s performance more than any other – its size.

The number of suppliers a company works with can have a significant impact on supply chain performance. Too many suppliers can lead to communication and coordination problems, while too few can lead to higher prices and reduced product variety.

A company should carefully assess its supplier base and make changes as needed to ensure that the number of suppliers is optimized for performance. Factors that should be considered include the company’s size, complexity, and supply chain strategy.

A part of a company’s supply chain strategy is how it is affected by changes in transportation costs. A company can improve its supply chain performance by developing strategies to mitigate the impact of rising transportation costs, such as using ship or rail, rather than truck or air.

Assignment Brief 16: Assess tools and techniques that are available to help the organisation to achieve strategic fit

There are a number of tools and techniques that can help an organisation to manage the uncertainty in their customer and supply chain relationships. One tool is scenario planning, which involves creating detailed scenarios about the future with the goal of understanding what might happen and how that could impact the organisation.

Another technique is futures thinking, which involves exploring potential future scenarios with colleagues or stakeholders in order to better understand what’s possible and impossible. Other methods include social learning theories; organizational behavior change (OB Change); scenario-based forecasting; lean six sigma; total quality management (TQM); strategic product development (SPD).

There are a variety of tools and techniques that can be used to help an organization understand its customers better. One such tool is the use of surveys, which allow customers to self-report their needs and desires. This information can then be used to create products or services that meet those needs, reducing the uncertainty associated with targeting a specific segment.

Additionally, market research studies provide insight into what types of customers exist within a certain segment, allowing for more informed decisions about how best to reach out to them. Finally, using A/B testing allows organizations to determine which variations of products or service offerings are most successful in terms of meeting customer needs.

To assess the tools and techniques that are available to help the organization to achieve their desired cost and service requirements, it is important for an organization to define what these requirements are. This will help them narrow down which tool or technique may be best suited for them.

For example, if an organization needs a website designed with specific functionality in mind but has no clear idea of how much it should cost yet, they might find it useful (or necessary) to consult with a designer about their ideas on design elements and features they would like included in the site before deciding whether hiring someone outside of the company will be worth it or not.

On the other hand though if this same company was looking for something more long term such as a consultant to work with them on a number of issues over the next few years (and not just one project) and they did not have any specific requirements or goals in mind at this time, it might be easier for them to get started by looking online for consultants who would be able to help them meet their desired requirements.


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Assignment Brief 17: Assess the challenges to achieving and maintaining strategic fit

Achieving and maintaining strategic fit can be a challenge in today’s business environment. Product variety is constantly increasing, and life cycles are shrinking, making it difficult to maintain a consistent product offering that meets customer needs.

In order to achieve and maintain strategic fit, it’s important to continuously assess customer needs and preferences. Also, it’s necessary to be agile enough to adapt quickly to changing market conditions. By being proactive and responsive to changes in the marketplace, you can ensure that your products remain strategically aligned with customer needs.

Strategic fit is a measure of how well your products complement each other from a market perspective. If your products have high levels of strategic fit, then they should be able to “plug and play” with minimal compatibility issues.

Achieving and maintaining strategic fit is a challenge in today’s business environment because of globalization and increasing uncertainty.

Globalization has increased competition, which makes it more difficult to maintain a strategic position that is different from that of your competitors. In addition, the pace of change has accelerated, making it harder to predict what the future will bring. This uncertainty creates challenges for organisations as they try to stay aligned with their strategic goals.

Organisations can address these challenges by creating a system for monitoring their environment and identifying changes early on, so they can react quickly. They should also create a flexible structure that can adapt to new conditions, and make sure all employees are aligned with the organization’s strategy. By taking these steps, organizations can create a more resilient organization that better manages the challenges of today’s business environment.


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