





CIPS L6M8 Innovation in Procurement and Supply Assignment UAE

CIPS L6M8 Innovation in Procurement and Supply Assignment Sample UAE

The procurement and supply chain is crucial for success in an organisation. As such, it has a significant role to play when influencing strategic suppliers towards adopting innovative approaches that can lead them into further innovation-driven progressions of their own volition this includes leading process improvement initiatives too!

With professional leadership at hand who understand how best utilize all available tools (and techniques) together with understanding what’s required from him/herself specifically regarding improving upon current processes–the very next thing would be identifying areas where opportunity exists.

I believe one way to achieve this is by using the PEST (Political, Economic, Social and Technological) Analysis method. It’s often referred to as a framework for strategic analysis that provides a high level overview of what can influence an organisation externally. The basics are easy–it just means looking at things under headings that could affect how we do our jobs as procurement professionals.


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The UAE is a country that values innovation and the value of using new technology to improve productivity. One such example would be their procurement process for companies looking into doing business with them, which has been streamlined so it can be done more quickly than before while still being completely transparent!

The innovative procurement and supply chain solutions of the UAE have been recognized globally. The country’s Best Writer for CIPD L6M8 Innovation in Procurement & Supply Assignment Samples can help you with your next project!

Assignment Brief 1: Assess cross functional working to achieve improvements in the supply chain

Cross functional working is essential to achieving improvements in the supply chain. By working together, different teams can share knowledge and expertise, and come up with creative solutions that wouldn’t be possible if everyone was working in isolation.

There are many benefits to cross functional working, such as improved efficiency and reduced costs. But the most important benefit is that it helps to build a strong team culture, which is essential for success in any organization. When different teams work together towards a common goal, they develop a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect, which leads to better communication and problem solving.

As teams are working together more frequently, it’s important that they have the right tools to do so. Here are five of the most popular collaboration apps used by cross functional teams today:

  • Basecamp : This app gives team members a central place to store all of their information. It can be accessed anywhere with internet access, so no matter where you are, you can work on your projects. And, because it runs on cloud servers, you never have to worry about losing data if your computer crashes or gets lost. It’s also very easy to use and intuitive for first time users.
  • Skype : This app is perfect for daily communication. With instant messaging, voice calls and video chat, it’s a great way for cross functional teams to communicate quickly and efficiently. It also files all of your communications and automatically stores files, so you can reference any previous conversations at any time.
  • Google Hangouts : This app allows video chat with up to ten people at once. It is very popular among virtual teams that need to stay in touch every day to discuss important topics. It also features a plugin that allows users to share their screens, which is a great way for production teams to collaborate directly from the assembly line.
  • Slack : This app makes communication easy and effortless. It uses channels to quickly send messages about specific topics, so everyone stays on the same page at all times. Plus, there’s a great search function that makes it easy to find old messages as needed.
  • Dropbox : This app is like an external hard drive, but instead of holding data on your computer, everything gets stored online. It allows team members to quickly access files from any device and even works offline in some cases. Not only does this make collaboration easier, but it also protects your data in case of a fire or other disaster.

These five apps are just a few of the many that can be used to accomplish cross functional team goals. By choosing a tool that fits your needs and using it with others on your team, you’ll build a stronger foundation for success in the future.

Cross functional working can lead to significant improvements in the supply chain if done correctly. By having different teams work together towards a common goal, you can create a more efficient and smoothly running supply chain. However, it is important to make sure that all teams are properly aligned and working together cohesively in order to achieve the desired results. If not, cross functional working can actually lead to decreased efficiency and increased chaos within the supply chain.

Assignment Brief 2: Evaluate techniques to promote the development of innovation in procurement and supply

There are a few key techniques that can be used to promote the development of innovation in procurement. One is collaboration with suppliers and customers to promote improvements in innovation. This can be done by working with suppliers to come up with new and innovative products or services, as well as working with customers to get feedback on current and potential supplier offerings.

Another technique is developing procurement processes that are conducive to creativity and innovation. This includes setting up clear guidelines for how proposals should be submitted, establishing evaluation criteria that rewards creativity and innovation, and communicating the importance of creative thinking throughout the organization. Finally, fostering a culture of creativity and risk-taking within the organization can also help promote innovation in procurement. Organizations that embrace change and take risks will be more likely to find innovative solutions than organizations that are more risk-averse.

One technique that can be used to promote innovation in procurement is early supplier involvement (ESI). With ESI, suppliers are brought in early in the design process so that they can provide input on product requirements and potential solutions. This helps to ensure that the suppliers’ capabilities are taken into account and that they have the opportunity to suggest innovative solutions.

ESI also has the benefit of reducing costs and cycle times. By involving suppliers early on, problems can be identified and resolved before they become costly issues. And since products can be developed more quickly when suppliers are involved, there is less time wasted in having to rework designs or wait for parts to arrive.

One way to promote innovation in procurement is by establishing an innovation council. The role of the innovation council is to identify and assess new procurement trends and practices, and recommend ways to adopt or adapt these trends and practices into the organization’s procurement operations.

The innovation council should be composed of representatives from all key stakeholder groups, including buyers, suppliers, administrators, and technologists. This multidisciplinary team will bring a broad perspective to bear on issues related to innovation in procurement, and will be better equipped to identify opportunities for improvement and make recommendations accordingly.


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Assignment Brief 3: Contrast the developments in technology that can be applied to promote improvements in supply chains

Technological developments that can help to improve supply chains typically fall into two categories: those that improve the flow of information and those that improve the physical movement of goods.

Information-based technologies include various types of sensors and tracking devices that allow companies to keep better track of their inventory, as well as software tools that can help to optimize the routing and scheduling of deliveries.

Technologies that improve physical transportation include innovations in logistics (such as containerization and just-in-time delivery systems), as well as advances in transportation technology such as autonomous vehicles and aerial drones.

However, one technology that could prove highly beneficial to supply chains is also perhaps the most ancient: money.

Money makes it easier for suppliers and customers to do business with each other by reducing the amount of information that must be exchanged; rather than having to negotiate complex agreements about how much will be purchased, at what price, and when delivery will be made, buyers and sellers can simply agree on a common currency for their transactions.


Electronic procurement (e-procurement) is the process of acquiring goods and services electronically. E-procurement covers a wide range of activities, from simple buying transactions to more complex processes such as reverse auctioning. 


An e-catalogue (electronic catalogue) is an online database of products and services. It contains information about the products and services offered by a company or organization, including images, product descriptions, prices, ordering instructions, and contact information. 


E-sourcing (electronic sourcing) is the process of finding suppliers for goods and services electronically. It involves creating an electronic marketplace where buyers and sellers of goods and services can meet, interact, and do business using computers, the Internet, and other information and communications technologies (ICTs).

Electronic reverse auctions:

An electronic reverse auction is an e-procurement method in which suppliers compete to provide the best price for goods or services that are put out for bid, with the buyer initiating the process.

To create a future of unlimited supply chain potential, it is necessary to enable trustless cooperation between different blockchains, which would allow for any two entities anywhere in the world to do business securely without ever having to know or trust each other beforehand.

In the business world, there has been a recent trend of using technology to move away from centralized systems and towards peer-to-peer (P2P) systems. P2P systems are decentralized, so there is no one point of failure. In addition, P2P systems are often more efficient because there is no need for a third party to intermediate transactions.

One example of a P2P system is a purchase-to-pay (P2P) system. A P2P system allows businesses to make purchases directly from suppliers, without going through a middleman. This can save businesses time and money, as well as reduce the risk of fraud.

Assignment Brief 4: Evaluate the use of relationship assessment for supplier development

The use of joint performance appraisal systems is an important tool for supplier development.

Joint performance appraisal systems involve the collaborative evaluation of supplier performance by both the buyer and supplier. This type of system allows for a more holistic view of supplier performance, and can help to identify areas in which the supplier needs improvement.

Joint performance appraisal systems also provide a forum for open communication between the buyer and supplier, which can lead to better understanding and cooperation. Overall, joint performance appraisal systems provide a valuable means for assessing and developing supplier relationships.

These systems should include several key elements:

Some companies combine the appraisal and selection process. This can be done by conducting a joint performance review and supplier assessment, thus creating a mini project that will provide information to support an investment decision. If the company decides to invest in the supplier, then it continues the appraisal system as part of its supplier development program.

Relationship assessment methodologies are becoming more and more popular in the field of supplier development. There are many reasons for this, but chief among them is the fact that strong relationships are essential to business success.

When it comes to supplier development, relationship assessment can be used in a number of ways. For example, it can help to identify key stakeholders, understand their needs and motivations, and track progress over time. In addition, relationship assessment can be used to assess the overall health of a relationship and identify areas for improvement. Ultimately, this information can be used to improve communication and collaboration between suppliers and customers, resulting in stronger partnerships and better business outcomes.

The use of balanced scorecards has been found to be a useful tool for supplier development. Balanced scorecards help to ensure that all aspects of the relationship are considered, and they can help to identify areas where improvement is needed.

A balanced scorecard consists of four quadrants: financial, customer, internal business process, and learning and growth. Each quadrant includes measures that are important to the success of the organization. For supplier development, the financial and customer quadrants are especially important. Financial measures can help to track how much money is being saved through the use of suppliers, while customer measures can track how satisfied customers are with the products or services provided by suppliers.


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Assignment Brief 5: Evaluate where technology can be used to improve procurement and supply

Technology can be used to improve procurement and supply in a number of ways, including expenditure control, data analytics and capture, and systems integration with suppliers. 

Expenditure control refers to the use of technology to track spending and ensure that it is kept within budget.

Data analytics and capture refers to the use of technology to collect data on procurement and supply processes and activities, which can then be analyzed to identify areas for improvement.

Systems integration with suppliers refers to the use of technology to integrate procurement and supply processes with those of suppliers, in order to optimize efficiency and reduce waste.

Technology can certainly be used to improve procurement and supply, but it’s important to evaluate the organizational systems in place before implementing any new technology.

For example, many organizations have siloed systems where different departments operate in isolation from one another. This can lead to redundancies and inefficiencies in the procurement process. In order to make the most of new technology, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of how different parts of the organisation interact with each other.

Senior management and stakeholders must also be on board with any changes that are made. Without their support, it will be difficult to implement new technologies successfully. By taking into account all these factors, organisations can maximize the potential of technology to improve procurement and supply.

By investing in technology, firms can improve their operational efficiency and reduce costs associated with purchasing and supply. Technology can help control expenditure, capture supplier performance data, integrate processes, and much more. Furthermore by having an improved understanding of organisational systems, senior management support for change initiatives, procurement managers are better placed to implement change successfully.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and predictive analysis can be used to improve procurement and supply by analyzing past data to predict future trends. This would allow businesses to forecast needs and procure supplies in a more timely manner, which would lead to decreased costs and improved efficiency. Additionally, AI could be used to identify supplier fraud and optimize supplier relationships.

Assignment Brief 6: Evaluate tools and techniques which are available to improve procurement and supply

There are many different tools and techniques available to improve procurement and supply chain operations. Total quality approaches, statistical analysis, and just-in-time (JIT) lean thinking are some of the most commonly used methods.

Total quality approaches involve taking a holistic approach to quality management, which includes looking at all aspects of the procurement and supply chain process. This type of approach can help to identify and correct any problems that may be causing inefficiencies or disruptions.

Statistical analysis can be used to track supplier performance over time and identify any patterns or trends that may exist. This information can then be used to make better informed decisions about where to allocate resources and who to work with going forward.

One of the most important tools for mitigating supply chain interruption is the use of business continuity planning. By creating a plan that identifies critical suppliers and backup suppliers, businesses can greatly reduce the risk of an unexpected disruption disrupting their operations.

Other techniques that can be used to improve procurement and supply chains include:

  • Developing a robust supplier quality management program
  • Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) for suppliers and monitoring them closely
  • Performing due diligence on new suppliers prior to establishing a relationship
  • Creating a plan to address product obsolescence
  • Establishing supplier policies and procedures, including the way in which suppliers are evaluated

As you can see, there are many different tools that businesses can use to improve their procurement and supply chain operations. However, it is important to consider your specific business needs when making decisions about what improvements to make.


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Assignment Brief 7: Assess methods to incentivise improvement and innovation

There are a few methods to incentivise improvement and innovation. One method is through bidding. For example, in the business world, companies will often bid on contracts to provide a good or service. The company that offers the best product or service at the lowest cost will usually be awarded the contract.

The same principle can be applied to incentive schemes within organisations. Employees can be given a set of goals to achieve and they can then bid against each other to see who can achieve them first and at the lowest cost. This type of system encourages employees to be creative and find new ways to improve their performance while also keeping costs down.

The most effective way to incentivise improvement and innovation is through selection. Only the fittest survive and inherit the earth. This is Darwin’s theory of evolution and it has been demonstrated in every area of science.

The strongest businesses are not necessarily the ones with the best products or services, but rather the ones that are able to improve faster than their competitors. In order to improve faster, businesses need to be constantly innovating and this requires a system of selection that rewards the fittest. This can be done through various methods such as competition, patents, or even market crashes.

Contract award: One way to incentivize improvement and innovation is through the award of contracts. The awarding authority can assess proposals with an eye towards those that demonstrate the most innovative approaches.

Contract management: In order to incentivize improvement and innovation, it is important for contract managers to be creative in their approach to contract administration. This may include setting aside funds for modifications or early termination, as well as being willing to waive certain requirements if they impede innovation.

Setting examples and maintaining standards: It is also important for contracting authorities to set an example themselves by actively pursuing improvement and innovation in the procurement process. In addition, standards must be maintained so that all offerors are held to the same level of expectation.

Incentivizing improvement and innovation isn’t easy. In many cases, leaders tasked with this responsibility make the mistake of rewarding the wrong things. They reward compliance rather than innovation, or they even fail to adequately incentivize improvement and innovation at all. Even worse, they actually punish employees for engaging in behaviour that leads to improvement and innovation.

Assignment Brief 8: Assess approaches to environmentally sensitive design

There are many approaches to environmentally sensitive design, but one of the most important is life cycle analysis.

Life Cycle analysis is the process of evaluating environmental impacts associated with all stages of a product’s life- from raw material extraction and manufacturing to use and disposal. By looking at all aspects of a product’s life cycle, designers can make more informed decisions about which materials and processes are most environmentally friendly.

For example, a designer might choose an adhesive that has a lower environmental impact even if it costs more than another adhesive because the lower-impact adhesive has a longer lifespan. This kind of decision-making takes into account not just up-front costs but also long-term environmental impacts.

One of the most important aspects of environmentally sensitive design is designing for disassembly. When a product is designed for disassembly, it means that each component can be easily separated and recycled or disposed of properly. This makes it much easier to recycle or reuse materials, which reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.

There are a number of different ways to design for disassembly, but one common approach is to use standard connectors and fasteners that can be easily accessed and removed. This makes it easy to remove components without damaging them, which makes them easier to recycle or reuse. Another common approach is to use modular designs that allow different components to be swapped out easily.

Designing for disassembly isn’t just important from an environmental perspective, it also reduces the costs of manufacturing products. In many cases, creating a product with standard connectors and fasteners can be less expensive than designing custom components.

One approach is to use environmentally friendly materials. There are many options for these, including bamboo, cork, wool, cotton, and hemp. Bamboo is a great choice because it grows quickly and doesn’t require pesticides or fertilizers. Cork is another good option because the trees that produce it regenerate after harvest. Wool is also sustainable because the sheep that provide it graze on pasture land that wouldn’t support other crops. Hemp is an excellent option because it grows quickly and doesn’t require much water or arable land.

Another approach to environmentally sensitive design is to optimize the use of natural light and ventilation. This can be done by using large windows and skylights, installing fans and vents, and using light-colored surfaces.


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Assignment Brief 9: Assess the impact of green procurement on improvement and innovation

The impact of green procurement on improvement and innovation is significant. When an organization makes a commitment to purchase environmentally friendly products, it sends a clear signal to its suppliers that sustainability is important. This can have a ripple effect throughout the supply chain, encouraging suppliers to become more sustainable as well.

In addition, green procurement can help organizations save money by reducing energy use and waste. And by promoting innovation in the marketplace, green procurement can lead to the development of new and improved products that are more environmentally friendly. Ultimately, then, green procurement can play a major role in improving both environmental and economic outcomes.

Sustainable procurement, or green procurement, is the process of incorporating environmentally friendly and socially responsible practices into the purchasing decisions of public and private institutions. By opting for sustainable products and services, organizations can reduce their environmental impact while also promoting innovation and social responsibility.

There are many benefits to be gained from implementing a green procurement policy. For starters, sustainable products often cost less in the long run due to their longer lifespan and reduced need for maintenance. In addition, sustainable procurement can help businesses reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, save energy and water, and improve their reputation with customers and investors.

Green procurement is the process of purchasing goods and services that have a low environmental impact. It has been shown to improve innovation and reduce waste.

One study found that green procurement improved innovation by increasing the number of patents filed by firms, and that this was especially true for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The study also found that green procurement reduced waste by encouraging firms to produce less defective products. This was especially true for SMEs, which are often more likely than larger firms to produce defective products due to their smaller size and lack of resources.


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