



Human Resources Assignments


HRMD 410 Human Resources Performance Management Assignment UAEU

HRMD 410 Human Resources Performance Management Assignment Sample UAEU, UAE

This assignment solution is the free solution on human resources performance management of the course HRMD 410.

This course provides an intensive discussion and application of concepts and tools used for appraising and enhancing human performance in organizations. Topics covered include designing, implementing, and evaluating programs to assess employee job performance, developing training and development programs to improve performance, and linking rewards to performance.

The course addresses the ethical issues inherent in appraising and rewarding employees as well as the challenges of developing appropriate practices and techniques. The prerequisites of this course are HRMD 310 and HRMD 320 with a minimum of D grade.


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HRMD 410 Human Resources Performance Management Learning Outcomes

Human Resource Performance management is about setting clear and measurable objectives for work and is an important managerial and human resource tool. A well-run performance management system will provide staff with clear objectives for their job, and plenty of opportunities for feedback and discussion with their supervisor.

 At the end of this course, students will be able to learn the following aspects:

1.Analyze The Important Role Of Leadership In The Implementation Of Performance Management Systems.

Performance reviews give leaders the information they need to analyze the data and help improve their team’s performance. They promote high-performance standards through regular performance feedback and goal-setting through coaching. Organizational leadership has to set these changes in motion.

  • Leadership needs to focus the team

 Many moving parts to performance management need oversight including aspects like performance reviews to make sure employees stay on track.

  • The team needs leadership to create a performance strategy

 Your employees need to understand where their team is headed. That means as a leader, you have to be the one that gets them to that endpoint.

  •  Leaders track and analyze performance data

 Even though leaders may not aggregate these numbers themselves, they are responsible for understanding what these numbers mean for the performance of their team and the overall success of the organization.

2.Compile And Evaluate Information On The Complex Relations Between Performance Management, Employee Development, And Compensation/Rewards.

Performance Management helps employees understand what is expected of them and guides them in maintaining or improving performance to meet expectations. Performance Management also gives employees developmental tools that help them grow and advance their careers. We have helped hundreds of organizations use performance management to improve the way they link strategy and goal setting, hold employees accountable, and achieve objectives.

The relationship between compensation and performance is a little bit like the relationship between two people. They both rely on each other to function, but it’s hard to predict how an action by one might influence the other.

Yes, it’s a complex relationship. But it’s an important relationship to understand – especially if you care about building a happy and productive environment. So today, I’m going to inspect how compensation can influence performance – and how you can use this information to build a stronger workforce.


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3.Differentiate Between Performance Management And Performance Appraisal.

Performance Management

It is the process of managing and developing employee performance throughout the organization. It aims at planning, tracking, and assessing employee performance for a specific period. The result of performance management is to motivate employees and further increase their efficiency and effectiveness.

Performance Appraisal

The process of evaluating employee performance regularly is called performance appraisal. Although, unlike performance management, it is restricted to evaluating past performance and conducted once or twice a year, depending upon the organization’s policies.

Thus essentially, performance appraisal is an integral part of a comprehensive performance management approach.

4.Explain The Logical Structure Of A Performance Management Process.

The performance management process is a collaborative, communication-based process where employees and management work together to plan, monitor, and review the employee’s objectives, long-term goals, job trajectory, and comprehensive contribution to the company.

  • Planning- Define goals in the SMART format (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-based) and clear performance standards should be set.
  • Coaching- The coaching process is extremely important and must be done regularly. Meetings should be at least quarterly, although monthly meetings are ideal.
  • Reviewing- There should be a clear record from previous check-ins to show the employee’s progress throughout the year.
  • Action- The last step of the performance management process is reward and recognition.


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5.Offer An Individual Interpretation Of The Ethical Implications Of Employee Evaluation.

Performance evaluations are, by nature, somewhat subjective. This leaves employee reviews open to potential ethical complications. Managers may intentionally or unintentionally evaluate staffers using different criteria, which can elevate or devalue individual scores in an unethical manner. Managers may also fail to take their personal feelings into account when issuing performance judgment, which can bias their assessment, take the focus away from ethics in performance management, and skew the results.

Work In Groups To Evaluate The Appropriateness Of Performance Measurement Methods For Individuals And Teams In A Given Context.

Traditionally, evaluation of employees’ work performance has been implemented as yearly performance reviews. Not surprisingly, this practice, widely disliked and unwelcomed, is being increasingly replaced with more efficient and comfortable methods. Ongoing performance measurement is used instead of scheduled reviews at certain intervals as a more informative assessment method than the traditional review practice.

  • Evaluate performance regularly(weekly or monthly)
  •  Quantifiable work process goals.
  • Productivity.
  • Raw attendance and productivity data.
  • Documented goals and key deliverables.
  • Feedback in any form

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