



Human Resources Assignments


MGMT 624 HR Development in UAE Context Assignment UAEU

MGMT 624 HR Development in UAE Context Assignment Solution UAEU, UAE

This is an assignment sample on HR development in the UAE context under the course MGMT 624 at the University of UAE.

Moreover, this course provides an overview of major challenges and issues in developing human resources within the UAE. Issues of cross-cultural HRM will be discussed.

Also, it provides an in-depth discussion of themes and trends in training and development, individual and adult learning principles, training needs assessment, training evaluation, and management development.


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MGMT 624 Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students will be able to :

1.Critically Evaluate And Apply Key Principles And Theories Of Adult Learning.

A review of six of the most popular adult learning theories:


Here are four principles of the andragogic (or andragogical) approach:

  • Adults learn better from experience (even if they make mistakes).
  • In order to favor a pragmatic approach, adults must be able to apply learning to solve a specific problem.
  • Most adults are interested in learning things that have immediate relevance.
  • Adults need to be involved in the planning and evaluation of their instruction.

Transformational Learning

Transformative learning theory posits that all learners use different assumptions, expectations, and beliefs to make sense of the world around them.

Experiential Learning

Experiential learning requires a hands-on approach that puts the learner at the center of the learning experience.

  • Active participation is key. However, the theory says that learning happens only when the individual reflects upon what they are doing.
  • The four elements of experiential learning include:

Active involvement, reflection upon practice, the conceptualization of the experience, and the use of knowledge gained from experience.

Self Directed Learning

SDL is a process where individuals take the initiative to diagnose learning needs, form learning goals, identify resources, implement a learning plan, and assess their results.

Project-Based Learning

Project-based learning theory holds that learners acquire a deeper knowledge through active exploration of real-world problems. Also, known as the principle “learning by doing.”

Action Learning

Action learning is an approach to problem-solving that involves taking action and reflecting on the results. Also, the goal of action learning is to improve problem-solving processes and simplify the resulting solutions.


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2.Demonstrate Ability To Develop And Implement An HRD Program 

Assessing HRD Needs

A Needs Assessment Can Identify:

  • Organization’s goals and its effectiveness in reaching these goals
  • Discrepancies between employees’ skills and the skills required
  • Discrepancies between current skills and the skills needed in the future
  • The conditions under which the HRD activity will occur

 Developing Learning Objectives

  • Cognitive Learning: Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy (right) is a useful way to distinguish between higher and lower-order thinking. The taxonomy categorizes thinking into seven categories. Also, it distinguishes the higher orders of thinking (Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating) from lower orders (Remembering, Understanding, and Applying).
  • Affective Learning:- Affective learning focuses on feelings, values, appreciation, motivation, and attitudes. Krathwohl, Bloom & Masia (1973) created a taxonomy to display five categories of affective learning,
  • Psychomotor Learning: Learning in this domain includes physical movement, coordination, and use of the motor-skill areas. Also, it focuses on speed, efficiency, precision, procedures, or techniques in execution. Additionally, Dave’s (1975) taxonomy is shown here, in descending order from the most complex ability to the least complex. 

 Designing And Delivering An HRD Program

  1. Design Phase – The specific objectives are defined in this phase. The Lesson plan has created. The trainer is selected. Accordingly, the methods, techniques, and materials have designed. Finally, the schedule of the Program is made.
  2. Evaluation Phase – The evaluation criteria are selected based on which the success of the program is assessed. Consequently, the results are interpreted and form the basis of other HRD programs.

3.Demonstrate Ability To Explain The Strategic Importance Of HRD In The Success Of Individuals And Organizations.

  1. HRD is needed to develop competencies of the people in the organization in terms of knowledge, skills, capabilities, and attitudes. Now, competent employees are a great necessity for every organization. Whether it be a profit-making organization or a non-profit-making organization.
  2. HRD is needed to bring about system-wide changes in the organization. In addition, it has several mutually dependent sub-systems or parts such as:

procurement, development, performance appraisal, manpower planning, job-environment, etc. The sub-systems are linked with one another by feedback loops.

4.Discuss The Importance And Applications Of Internal Labour Market  

Early organizational theorists believed that internal labor markets would be advantageous to organizations. Since they would allow employers to develop a motivated and specialized workforce.

Also, management efficiency arguments support the use of internal labor markets. Managers can create greater efficiency by reducing their dependence on the external labor market. This independence reduces their need for information about future external labor markets.

Moreover, workers and managers may both benefit from internal labor markets. Management will have reduced transaction costs and greater loyalty. Whereas, workers will have greater security and stability.


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5.Fully Understand An Organizations Commitment And Responsibility To Human Resource Development.

The input and support of TMT to human resource management activities is regarded as a commitment to human resource management (HRM). Also, when top managers are willing to participate in functional activities. And, recognize and take actions to promote the value of human resources, organizations are more likely to mobilize human resources to achieve green creativity.

However, the sensitivity of TMT to the outside world makes the organization more sensitive to the potential risks and benefits. The more obvious the commitment to human resource management of TMT is, the more they invest the corresponding resources and capabilities in the strategic development of the organization. Even more, HRM system plays a more important role in organizational strategic support. At this time, the organization can face environmental protection problems more actively. As a result, could make corresponding strategic adjustments such as green creativity.

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Additionally, you can read other samples like HRMD 410 Human Resources Performance Management Assignment, HRMD 320 Human Resources Management Assignment, HRM practices in the Middle East, and many more.

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