



Human Resources Assignments


HRM Practices in Middle East Essay Sample

HRM practices in Middle East Essay

In this sample, we will discuss the HRM practices in the Middle east.

HRM(Human Resource Management) strategies determine the position, expectations, attitude, and importance of the company based on employee treatment. Besides, It serves as a reference for organizational applications and business decisions.


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HRM policies can vary among companies and mixed with business or marketing strategy. The outer industry ecosystem has a significant impact on HRM applications.

Besides, HRM procedures are overseen by the skills formed following the necessities of business procedures. Hence, they present means to communicate and capture the necessary objective and vision of the business.

Middle East HRM practices

In the Middle East, HR duties are much more diverse and broad than in the United States. The catalog of obligations for HR includes recruitment, training, employee relations, performance, and compensation management. Besides, Middle East HRMs manage the repatriation of a person and personal consequences. Furthermore, they implement coordination and help during criminal detention, deal with family issues, and support employees with primary transportation and housing requirements.

In some middle east countries, the work of HRM tediously approaches workers’ preparation and employment issues. For instance, the emigrant profession visa operation in Saudi Arabia is complicated, lengthy, and faces unexpected sweeping revisions. Provincial HRMs must match the experience and skill necessities of company processes with nationalization agreement conditions.

Reasons of differences in HRM policies in Middle East countries

There are various reasons for the distinction in HRM policies in Middle East countries.

  • Expatriate cycles– Greatest western emigrant workers kill 2 to 3 crucial years at unrelated foreign tasks and come back. A huge minority seeks in the expatriate lifestyle and build their life overseas. 
  • Cultural Surprises– Emigrants belong to distinct zones, cultures, religions, political beliefs, and ideas. These differences can be sometimes shocking and often rewarding. Foreign work often leads to enhance tolerance capability and a broader appreciation of other people and cultures.
  • Time sense- In the Middle East, life is not tied to time. Firm necessity to start the day early, hurry to follow a routine, and meeting schedules is not a habit here that has been broadly adopted by Americans. That is very frustrating to expatriates.
  • Unreasonable expectations– Emigrants typically come with preconceived opinions of life in a different nation. Frequently young family people expect a rich lifestyle pretty much beyond past hometown country life. Serving in a strange country usually becomes similar to any work, merely with diverse issues & conditions.


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Challenges in developing HRM practices

Our study highlights the continued evolution in HRM in the Middle East, and the quickly evolving economic, social and political conditions of the country are modeling several hurdles for the HRM role. A research point of view has provided the inadequacy of reliable data. That offers opportunities to attempt interesting research projects.

The other operator is the emigration of local expertise to Europe and different areas of the globe. Moreover, governmental uncertainty in many Middle Eastern nations has hastened the migration of talented workers from the country. In enhancement to the supply side, companies require the needed managerial experiences and practices to bring, preserve and secure the best-skilled people.

Current retention, compensation, and recruitment systems appear efficient solely for cost-effective employee management. That is heading to intellectual loss in the country. Where the experienced, educated, and skilled abandon their hometown country. Besides, they use their education and skills very little or are forced to take lower-skilled jobs.

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