





Impacts of COVID 19 Essay Sample

Impacts of COVID 19 Essay

COVID 19 is a serious pandemic that has covered the whole world and its people. Also, it is the most burning and trending topic to write essays, also in the universities of UAE. Here we are presenting the Impacts of COVID 19 essay sample to help the students studying in UAE universities.

COVID 19 or coronavirus has come up as a global health crisis. It has an intense impact on how we perceive our day-to-day lives and also the world. The transmission rate of contagious and how it transmits threatens our sense of agency. Also, safety measures are very difficult which highly require social distancing and avoid finding solace in the company of others. Unemployment, job crisis, medical crisis, public health, medical emergency, economic downfall, recession are the common problems that arise as to the impact of the coronavirus.

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Impact Of COVID 19 On Global Economy

In recent times, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has determined that the economic ambiguity sparked by the Covid-19 will likely outlay the global economy $1 trillion in 2020. The surveillance is taken based on UNCTAD’s World Economic situations and prospects for 2020.

  • It is predicted a slowdown of under 2% in the global economy in 2020 which will most likely outlay in the order of $1 trillion.
  • It will the worst possible situation in case the world economy rises at only o.5% which will most likely cost $2 trillion hits to GDP.
  • It will be the best case situation in case of the reasonable declines in private consumptions, investment, and exports and offsetting increases in government expenses, worldwide development would go down to 1.2% in 2020.
  • There is fluctuation in the global financial market because of the interruption of China and uncertainty in oil prices among key producers.
  • The performance of European economies is already very bad towards 2019 end.
  • Europe is certainly set off to recession during the months in the future.
  • The economy of German is in a brittle state.
  • The economy of Italy and other European periphery parts are recently facing severe stresses currently.
  • Most of the Latin American parts are also susceptible.
  • Also, Argentina is going to struggle because of the knock-on impact of COVID 19 impact.
  • The countries which are least developed and whose economies are determined by the sale of raw materials are also going to face rigid consequences.
  • The developing countries which are greatly indebted predominantly commodity exporters face a meticulous danger because of weaker export returns linked to a stronger US dollar.


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These are the economic impacts of coronavirus

  • Impact of COVID 19 On Education i.e. Schools, Skills And Learning

Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, most of the countries have decided to close their schools, colleges, and universities. The countries are forced to adopt homeschooling, which has become an enormous shock to children’s learning and social life and also to parent’s productivity. Teaching and student assessments are mobbing online. But the problem is that these interruptions will have long term effects. Because of the shutdown of schools, colleges, and universities, most of the exams have been canceled or postponed. The careers of this year’s university graduates may be ruthlessly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Social Impact Of COVID 19

All segments of society are affected by COVID 19 pandemic. It has a great impact on most susceptible parts of the society such as indigenous people, youth, persons with disabilities, older persons, and the people living in poverty. Poor people are highly responsible to spread the impacts of the virus. As an example, homeless people are unable to find shelter in a safe place that leads them to exposure to danger. Also, the people who have limited or no access to running water, displaced persons, migrants, and refugees need to suffer a lot.

Older persons are high at risk to have the infection of the coronavirus, most probably the persons who have chronic health situations such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, etc. Also, person with disabilities face challenges in having access to healthcare services because of the shortage of affordability, accessibility, availability, stigma, and discrimination. Also, the indigenous people are highly sufferer because of the high rate of transmittable and non-contagious diseases

  • Impact Of COVID 19 On Systems

The corporate is pushing itself to functionally operate COVID-19 in new ways, and systems pliability is being tested as never earlier than. As businesses cope with a variety of latest systems priorities and challenges― business stability risks, rapid changes in volume, real-time decision-making, workforce output, security risks―leaders must act swiftly to deal with instantaneous systems resilience problems and lay a foundation for the longer term. Leaders within the chemicals industry, for instance, are recognizing resilience as a prime success factor.

  • Impact Of COVID 19 On Experience

The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic has perpetually altered our experiences―as clientele, workforce, citizens, humans―and our attitudes and behaviors are varying as a result. Once the instant threat of the virus has passed, what is going to have altered within the way we expect and behave, and the way will that impact the way we design, converse, put together and run the experiences that folks required and desire?

  • Impact Of COVID 19 On Operations

Business process functions across most industries are ruthlessly disrupted thanks to the enormous anxiety of the pandemic disaster. For numerous multinationals, intricate and business-critical services that are taken care of by worldwide operations must be reassessed and reorganized. Organizations must retort rapidly to take care of stability and to de-risk their operations to supply their businesses now, and in the future.

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