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MGMT675 Management and Leadership Assignment Sample UAEU

MGMT675 Management and Leadership Assignment Sample UAEU UAE

This course covers the essential skills and competencies needed to improve managerial competencies. Also, the students get acquainted with the obligations and functions of leaders and managers in an organization.

Moreover, topics covered include the challenges faced by the managers in associations, factors governing employee motivation and behavior. Also, it makes them understand the differences between leadership and administration.

Students learn about the determinants of professional and personal decision-making, politics in associations, and conflict resolution strategies.


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MGMT675 Management and Leadership course Learning Outcomes

LO 1 Defining organizational behavior

  • Organizational behaviour is the control, prediction, and understanding of how human behavior affects business growth.
  • It is the application of knowledge of how individuals act or behave within an organization.
  • Also, It applies broadly to how humans behave in businesses, educational institutions, and government organizations.

1.1. Theories governing human behavior within an organization

  • The three categories of management and organizational behavior theories are as follow:
  • Bureaucracy Theory
  • Process Management Theory
  • Scientific Management Theory

Weber introduced Bureaucracy Theory. Further, the hypothesis reflects the conception of structure, authority, and how they interact with each other. Weber stated that there are three levels of authority in an association.

  • Legal authority is the power exercised by an individual depending on rank or position within the hierarchy.
  • Owing to the traditional authority, employees within an organization obey an individual since he comes from a powerful or royal family.
  • Charismatic authority is the power exercised by a pioneer within an organization.

1.2. Describing the Key Theories Of Organizational Behavior

Scientific Management Hypothesis

  • W. Taylor coined the Scientific Management Hypothesis in the twentieth century.
  • This hypothesis supported the inclusion of steps in studying and analyzing specific elements of a task. It includes training and recruiting productive employees for the work.
  • It provided a logical evaluation of job responsibilities and large-scale production. His theory was based on the perception that workers are driven by cash motivation.
  • He preferred co-operation among laborers over chaotic individualism.

Process Management Hypothesis

Administrative theory is likewise called Process Management Theory. Fayol looked at the organizational issues from the perspective of top-level management.

Moreover, He utilized the term ‘administration’ rather than Management underscoring the unity in the organization. He has underscored that standards of the board are

1.3. Concept of Organizational behavior

The concept of organizational behavior revolves around the following terms :

  • Personal Differences.
  • Discernment
  • A complete Individual
  • Motivated Conduct
  • The longing for improvement
  • The value of an Individual
  • Self-esteem
  • Associations are Social Framework
  • Commonality of Interest
  • Comprehensive


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2.Describing Theories Of Motivation

  • Theory of Expectancy

Expectancy theories describe an employee’s performance at the workplace. If an employee performs accordingly, he gets rewarded.

Moreover, valence is the strength of an individual towards accomplishing objectives. Instrumentality is the extent to which accomplishing the first level influences achievement of the second level.

  • Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow stated that employees have different needs or desires that they want to be fulfilled.

  • Needs for Security
  • Self-esteem
  • Self-actualization
  • Group Needs

Working groups get equipped with seamless communication to meet the group’s needs. Thus, Self-actualization can be fulfilled through employee development. An appraisal tool can be used to evaluate employee performance.

Hierberg’s Two-Factor Theory

Hygiene factors make sure that the employees don’t get dissatisfied with the work allocated. Also, Hygiene factors are important to form a favorable work environment for the employees. However, these factors help businesses to sustain in the ever-changing market.

3. Role of Perception In The Workplace

Behavior in the workplace depends on individuals’ perceptions of the work environment. Also, some variables impact the perception of an individual. Determinants of perception include the individual’s perspectives, intentions, interests, insight, and assumptions. Contextual factors include work setting, time, and group settings. Factors that affect the actual target include sounds, movement, background, size, and vicinity.


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How does perception interrelate with employment?

There are multiple ways that an individual can perceive an incident in the workplace. It can cause trouble. Here, are things that the employees might face within an association:

  • Fundamental attribution error: The inclination to ignore the impact of external elements and overestimate the impact of interior components while making the judgment about others.
  • Self-serving bias: It is the tendency to one’s success based on internal factors. On the contrary, blaming one’s failure based on external factors happens due to self-biased nature.
  • Specific discernment: The inclination to interpret based on one’s inclinations, experience, and perspectives.
  • Projection: The propensity to visualize one’s qualities in others.
  • Generalizing: The inclination to pass judgment on somebody based on the impression of the group to which that individual belongs.
  • Hallo Effect: The inclination to draw an overall impression about an individual dependent on a solitary trademark

3.2 Identifying the determinants of Organizational Culture

  • Type of The Organization

The purpose and operations of associations influence the behavioural pattern of employees. Does your association bring about changes in the lives of consumers with services and/or products? It directly affects your hierarchical culture. Likewise, it affects how employees feel about working in a company.

  • Organization practices, values, and work environment

Representatives develop the qualities highlighted in the procedures, policies, and work environment. Employers need to communicate with employees and ask them to identify the facts that serve as the basis of practices and work policies.

  • Recruitment and Shortlisting

Recruiting and Shortlisting the right workers is the most vital factor affecting organizational culture. Especially, while undergoing the growth phase and recruiting new workers, the representatives recruited by an association have the maximum impact on the organizational culture.

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